Thursday, May 22, 2014

Professional Orgainzation

Someday, I would like to be involved in adult education, either on a corporate level or as an instructor on a college level.  A professional organization I believe would help me along the way is the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education or the AAACE.  This organization provides information to adult educators in the form of professional journals, newsletters, and conferences.  The benefits of being a member of an organization such as this is the ample opportunity to connect with others interested in topics pertaining to adult education.  Members are also able to connect with those who may offer new ideas and help them develop new skills. Their website indicates that they publish a handbook containing information on current issues, research and practices pertaining to the field of adult education.  Keeping current on the issues, research and practices is of the utmost importance if we wish to be successful.

More information about the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education can be found at


  1. Your goal to be involved in adult education, either corporate or college, is admirable. AAACE definitely has some good literature and conferences to guide you. This organization is sure to immerse you in the current trends and thoughts guiding andragogy that will serve as the foundation of your PKM (Personal Knowledge Management) in this area of study. Jarche (2013) suggests PKM "is a set of processes, individually constructed to help make sense of our world." PKM is relevant and usable when it is personal and based on one's abilities, interests, and motivation; and connects information to the individuals experiences. I feel you will derive this from this association. You may find yourself seeking a discipline specific organization as you progress in your career.
    Jarche, H. (2013). Learning is the Work. Retrieved May 22, 2014 from

  2. I like what you said about how the benefits give the members ample opportunities to connect with others interested in the topics pertaining to education. I wish you well in your endeavor at reaching your goal.

  3. I agree with the notion of wanting to become involved in corporate training in some aspect. Becoming involved in AAACE sounds like a great plan of action. The development of new skills is always important in continuing education. What are some skills that you believe you can improve on in the education field?
