Thursday, June 19, 2014

A Bit More About Pinterest

After reading about security concerns on Royce Reardon's blog about his tool, Today's Meet, I decided to check the privacy settings available on Pinterest.

The only privacy setting you can change on Pinterest is whether or not you want your profile to be searchable by an internet search engine.  Even though you can make your profile 'non searchable,' your pins are still visible to a search engine.  The help menu says the only way to fix that is to pin under a pseudonym! You are able to create secret boards, however.  
Pinterest offers what they call personalization.  They accomplish this through the use of cookies.  If you don't want your Pinterest experience to be personalized, you are able to change that under the account settings.

Pinterest also uses third party analytics providers on their website and apps,  They do include instructions to opt out in the help center on the Pinterest site.  Punterest fully supports Do Not Track.  For more details on Do Not Track Universal Web Tracking Opt Out initiative, check out the following link:

I was a bit disappointed that there were not more security options with Pinterest, but I still believe Pinterest is a valuable tool to include in a PLN.


  1. Edi
    Privacy settings, oh yea, I hadn't thought about that. I need to check them on Instagrok. I don't think is will be as much of an issue because you have to log in to your account. and you have our own history. The do not track option sounds a little complicated and not always reliable, due to parties not commiting, but is something I should look into.
    I think I know you. You mentioned you work at Mini-Cassia CSI. Did you make a really cool dragon cookie jar in a pottery class couple of years ago? After this class is done, maybe we could do one on one tech tool lessons with each other. Enjoy the weather this week it is suppose to be nice for several days.

    1. Indeed you do! I did make a couple dragon cookie jars as well as a dragon tea pot.

  2. I forgot to ask you. Don't you think Do Not Track should have used a blood hound with a slash mark though it instead of lady bug? I would be bit morepresentational.
